Saturday 19 July 2008

Hitting Home

You know it has taken THIS long to hit me, nine days from now I will be in London - possibly meeting Chris Carter and Frank. Oh. My. God! Then ten days from now I will be on the same street as Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny. Half of my life I have spent watching this show and these actors on a little box in my front room that flashes pictures against a tube and turns them into moving pictures and now I get to see them in person.

I think up till this point it has just been a case of -"its at some point in the future and I need to organise stuff" now it's round the corner - One week of work away! A pre warning to all my friends as time marches on I am not going to be able to contain myself, each day that passes I am slowly going to more and more excited up to the point that spontanious human combustion IS going to be a possibility!

Me, excited nooooo! And its not just me - I get to take my sister to see London and have a week with her, which is just as exciting as getting to see XF2 and the cast and hundreds of other X-philes.

I was to tied up in relationships and basically living my life for other people to enjoy FTF and get caught up in the hype - this time is completely different! I am the 17 year old running round screaming that I should have been almost ten years ago (can one have a second childhood at 26?)

I need to stop thinking about it - I do - really I need to stop, will watch some GA DVD's read some fanfic and take my mind of it! - yeah who am I kidding - lol

Sunday 13 July 2008


Why would anyone need 6 pairs of tweezers?

Well it appears that I do. After deciding to clean out my medicine cabinet today (when you are unable to open the door without an array of papers attacking you it is time to do something about it) I discovered that I own six pairs of tweezers!

Honestly every time I needed a pair I must have just decided to buy some - owing to the fact that the cupboard was a mess and I could never find anything - so now it appears that I have almost a pair for every day of the week. What???

But could I stop there? No, I have a slight compulsive streak when it comes to cleaning and once I start it's almost impossible for me to stop. Once one section is tidy I feel myself unable to resist the urge to open all the other cupboards and make sure all the spices are in line and the flower that will be out of date in month is thrown out.

So six hours after starting I have finally finished. On the plus side everything is now tidy on the minus side I have in effect wasted a precious Sunday when I could have been reading or sunbathing or - doing anything aside from cleaning and wearing myself out. I even have the compulsion to go to work and start organising my paperwork! - What is wrong with me?

I think that maybe it is a need to keep busy, on my "cleaning spree" I found two valentines cards from my ex and a photo of us together from 2005 which had mixed effects .

1) I thought I had burnt all the cards with the soppy sentiments that turned out not to mean anything a long time ago - I have however kept it as a reminder not to be so stupid next time.

2) I look a hell of a lot better than I did three years ago - I have one chin now instead of three ( no really I'm not kidding it looks like some alien about to swallow the rest of my face and neck) It has given me a huge boost and I am more than ready to put the past behind me.

:D a lot can be said for spring cleaning after all, and my eyebrows are ever a mess you know I have no excuse whatsoever!

Friday 11 July 2008

Tubes Trains and Taxis

Well Wednesday was London day. If there ever was an advert for NON reliance on public transport Wednesday would be it.

It started innocently enough, even though I was shattered having finished work at 23.30 and not go to sleep till 2am. There is something to be said for being organised though suit and shoes were lined up ready/ notepad was in my bag and I was all set.

I got up at 6am in order to make sure my unruly hair had at least the appearance of being straight and not resembling a large brownish/red ball of frizz. If I had realised that it was going to rain all day and the sweaty humid air from the tube was just going to make it do that anyway I would have opted for another hour in bed - oh for hindsight.

Anyway hair straight, make up on and crippling shoes donned I was ready and we left the office at 08.30 to join the major commuter rush to London - the trip as far as Crewe (The train junction of the world) was fine as far as trips went. Then we hit issues - those issues being delays and lack of class knowledge with the train system. A handy hint for you all - if you can not find a seat in "normal" class when the journey has started and there are no seats available they tend to de-classify first class and you grab a nice comfy seat at no extra cost.

We were not so lucky and I ended up spending my trip to London sitting next to some soft of financial worker who decided that A) His elbows felt more at home as he hunt and pecked for the correct key to type on his laptop when wedged between my ribs B) He was going to use the plug socked on MY side of the seat, forcing me to have a laptop cable draped across my knees for a few hours C)Even though he had to move / get some orange juice / answer his phone / read the orange juice carton / shuffle his papers onto my side of the table / fall asleep. I would be perfectly happy to just sit there having daggers thrown in my direction every time my phone went off. - Great!

The train was then routed via Birmingham due to some sort of issue with the signals adding an extra 40 minutes sitting next to my highly irritating and irritable. (Oh and eye spy via text message on a train is not as good an idea as it sounds)

By the time we arrived in London and found the toilets ( half a mile away from the platform we got off) we were ready to brave the tube stations. I had forgotten just how hot clammy and sweaty these places were. Sardines crammed into a can does not even begin to describe it thousands of mingling lost people hurrying from line to line unable to wait the full four minutes till the next tube. - Did I mention delays?

There must be an issue with signals in London - dealing with traffic lights I should have realised this but the though never occurred to me AND aparently without fully functioning signals tubes can not run. When we eventually managed to squeeze on to the correct metal beast and traverse our way to the correct station it decided to rain. Not one or few spots, not a quick downpour but a torrent of water falling from the sky. Even with an umbrella it was hopeless. So we tuned up to the meeting almost two hours let and looking looking like gorillas in suits after a torrential storm.

However we did manage to keep the account and the meeting went well - must be my natural charm and charisma :P

The trip back was not much better all trains were cancelled going out of Euston - causing yet more delays, then when when they did finally announce that the train was departing it was mad dash of over 100 people to clamber onto yet another train.

Honestly HOW Scully runs in heels after walking round all day I don't know - I have new found respect for her - after dashing alongside a train in a suit and rather un-sturdy high heels all I needed to do was shout "Freeze FBI" brandish a gun - re-straighten my hair and I could have my own mini Scully moment. If it hadn't have been for the fact that there were three of us doing the same thing and some strange blond woman who decided to canter along with us. - I had a short flash that I may have produced mass panic by all the running and people would assume there was a bomb somewhere in the station if I had gone with my instinct grabbed the tall man in the business suit next to me and yelled "There's not time!" as was my original instinct I'm sure people would have either panicked or looked at me like I was a freak - probably the later of the two, thank God for restraint.

Next time we go to London for a meeting we are driving!

Thursday 3 July 2008

Getting A Life

Well tomorrow I plan to have a go at getting one of these strange forign objects known as "a life" - aka I am going to get drunk. Depressed people unite and drown our general sorrows in life - well maybe not depressed but slightly down is maybe a better discription.

And yes - I will be going out with one person from work, a friend and about twenty other people whom I have never met before... Great! Not that I am shy by any means I can handle meeting people - I just tend to make a fool of myself or be seen as "nice" - that's me - nice.

Sometimes I hate that word its akin to "fine" it has no subsistence, bitch gives you a distinctive image of someone as does confident - nice - well it gives you Shirley Temple - but I have this terrible need to not piss people off. Not that I don't get annoyed or pissed off now and then I'm just.... calm I suppose, and any outburst from me is "out of the ordinary" - although people sit up and pay attention when it does happen.

Well I suppose I will test my mettle next Wednesday when I have a meeting with a board of directors and in short the week from hell so we shall see what we shall see.

Oh and bizarre fact of the day - conversations today centred round a person with three names on one phone call and frogs falling from the sky - and people wonder why I like my job :P

Tuesday 1 July 2008

A bit about me

Eventually people stopped asking. “What did you do last night, doing anything over the weekend?” it doesn’t matter, the answer is always the same. “Not a lot, cooked, cleaned, washed my hair. Sat and watched a debate on TV, read a little and went to sleep” Not the greatest nor most exciting response in the world.

I suppose that’s why the questions have stopped my life to others seems dull, just a lonely existence, after seven years of shift work – my life consisting of not much more than work sleep and the internet - my friendship circle has dwindled to the few that could put up with it, or left with along with the various men I have had in my life (hang on that sounds like I sleep around a lot – I’m taking two men in almost ten years)

Again a similar set of questions “what are you doing Saturday night, fancy coming out” and a similar set of answers “Sorry I can’t, working” so they stopped asking too, and the men, they left.

Now working 9-5 I have nothing to “put my back up against” I can charm anyone on a phone call, my work has given me a good grounding in speaking to people and being able to turn and angry and slightly pissed off caller into one that is laughing with me by the end of the end. That does not transcribe to face to face contact however where I stutter and say stupid things in a non work setting.

I’m ashamed to admit it but work became my life a long time ago and now I’m struggling to adapt to “Normality”.
So I’m a 26 year old who doesn’t go and get drunk every weekend, who is fine speaking to people when I know I’m right and have done my research, avoids arguments as much as possible, lives in my head whose life seems to be one big X-File (bizarre chains of events seem to happen around me)

Well enough of the pre-amble for today I’ll fill you in as things get stranger - which they inevitably will do - and what makes me the person I am – a normal slightly shy individual finding her way in the world again.