Tuesday 1 July 2008

A bit about me

Eventually people stopped asking. “What did you do last night, doing anything over the weekend?” it doesn’t matter, the answer is always the same. “Not a lot, cooked, cleaned, washed my hair. Sat and watched a debate on TV, read a little and went to sleep” Not the greatest nor most exciting response in the world.

I suppose that’s why the questions have stopped my life to others seems dull, just a lonely existence, after seven years of shift work – my life consisting of not much more than work sleep and the internet - my friendship circle has dwindled to the few that could put up with it, or left with along with the various men I have had in my life (hang on that sounds like I sleep around a lot – I’m taking two men in almost ten years)

Again a similar set of questions “what are you doing Saturday night, fancy coming out” and a similar set of answers “Sorry I can’t, working” so they stopped asking too, and the men, they left.

Now working 9-5 I have nothing to “put my back up against” I can charm anyone on a phone call, my work has given me a good grounding in speaking to people and being able to turn and angry and slightly pissed off caller into one that is laughing with me by the end of the end. That does not transcribe to face to face contact however where I stutter and say stupid things in a non work setting.

I’m ashamed to admit it but work became my life a long time ago and now I’m struggling to adapt to “Normality”.
So I’m a 26 year old who doesn’t go and get drunk every weekend, who is fine speaking to people when I know I’m right and have done my research, avoids arguments as much as possible, lives in my head whose life seems to be one big X-File (bizarre chains of events seem to happen around me)

Well enough of the pre-amble for today I’ll fill you in as things get stranger - which they inevitably will do - and what makes me the person I am – a normal slightly shy individual finding her way in the world again.


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