Sunday 13 July 2008


Why would anyone need 6 pairs of tweezers?

Well it appears that I do. After deciding to clean out my medicine cabinet today (when you are unable to open the door without an array of papers attacking you it is time to do something about it) I discovered that I own six pairs of tweezers!

Honestly every time I needed a pair I must have just decided to buy some - owing to the fact that the cupboard was a mess and I could never find anything - so now it appears that I have almost a pair for every day of the week. What???

But could I stop there? No, I have a slight compulsive streak when it comes to cleaning and once I start it's almost impossible for me to stop. Once one section is tidy I feel myself unable to resist the urge to open all the other cupboards and make sure all the spices are in line and the flower that will be out of date in month is thrown out.

So six hours after starting I have finally finished. On the plus side everything is now tidy on the minus side I have in effect wasted a precious Sunday when I could have been reading or sunbathing or - doing anything aside from cleaning and wearing myself out. I even have the compulsion to go to work and start organising my paperwork! - What is wrong with me?

I think that maybe it is a need to keep busy, on my "cleaning spree" I found two valentines cards from my ex and a photo of us together from 2005 which had mixed effects .

1) I thought I had burnt all the cards with the soppy sentiments that turned out not to mean anything a long time ago - I have however kept it as a reminder not to be so stupid next time.

2) I look a hell of a lot better than I did three years ago - I have one chin now instead of three ( no really I'm not kidding it looks like some alien about to swallow the rest of my face and neck) It has given me a huge boost and I am more than ready to put the past behind me.

:D a lot can be said for spring cleaning after all, and my eyebrows are ever a mess you know I have no excuse whatsoever!

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